This autopickup feature simplifies the collection process and allows for a hands-free operation

Jonh Deere

The operator can easily select the correct landing spot for placing loads. Using machine intelligence, auto pickup constantly monitors the machine’s functions to ensure that a bunch is being picked up correctly. As the operator picks up a bunch, auto pickup automatically identifies it. After a preset amount of time, which can be adjusted, the bunch is added to the chosen landing. This new feature simplifies the collection process and allows for a hands-free operation, requiring less involvement from the operator.

While using auto pickup, skidder operators no longer need to pause and track their production, helping to ensure that production information and inventory moved to the loader is up-to-date in real-time, instead of calculated hours after collection. As the job progresses, production data and logging routes are updated in real time on TimberMatic Maps, displaying the actual status of the job site. This feature helps minimize guesswork for owners, supervisors, and forepeople.

This provides full visibility of a job site from any remote location, minimizing the need to be present on the logging site to monitor operations. Auto pickup is now available on existing machines where TimberMatic Maps is installed.

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