The new Hamm Vibration Crusher (VC) compactors are able to reduce the work and expense needed for material preparation and transport. 

The Stage 5 HC 250i C VC and Tier 3 HC 250 C VC compactors can crush and compact mixed soils, stones and other construction materials with comparable pressure resistance in a single step.

For customers, this means time, cost and carbon dioxide emissions are cut by up to 50 per cent depending on the application.

Featuring powerful Deutz engines and reinforced components around the front frame, three-point articulation and the underbody, the new compactors are well-equipped for tough applications. 

The separate “C” in the type designation also symbolizes a reinforced drum drive, capable of inclines of up to 60 per cent. The 25 tonne machines are supplied with heavy-duty tires for rocky terrain, driver’s cab and the Easy Drive operating concept all as standard. 

When it comes to comfort, operators will appreciate the seat with extended backrest, especially during tougher applications. An air-sprung driver’s seat is also available as an option. 

More news from Hamm:

New tool holder system 

A highlight of the new VC compactors is the tool holder system. This is compatible with round-shank cutting tools for stone, as well as wear-resistant heavy-duty cutting tools with carbide tips for abrasive stone or hard stone.

The configuration of the tool holder system, and the way the tool inserts attach, have been designed to ensure assembly and removal are quick and easy with no need for specialist tools. This keeps maintenance and servicing costs low. 

Existing machines (H 25i VC/3625 VC) can also be fitted with the new-design tool holder system by switching the drum. Transport rings are available for easy transport.

Wide application spectrum

The new VC compactors are suitable for the widest-ranging applications. In addition to the customary crushing and compacting of rock and earth to create a stable substrate, the machines are also utilized to level rubble in landfill sites. 

The Hamm VC compactor can also be called upon for road planing work in tunnel building and surface mining sectors or to pre-crush and loosen stone.

This takes a lot of hard work out of subsequent processes, such as layer-by-layer milling.

Read the full article here

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