Komatsu has introduced its first high-reach demolition excavator for the U.S. market and also the first with its new K100 automatic quick boom-change system.

In the video above, Komatsu demonstrates how the K100 system works on the PC490HRD-11, enabling operators to easily connect and disconnect the boom without leaving the cab – all in about 2 minutes. The video was shot at the company’s headquarters April 17 in Cartersville, Georgia, during its Demo Days event.

The boom and arm extensions on the excavator enable it to reach up to 105 feet high. The quick-connect system makes it easier to transport, set up and take down the excavator and its boom and arm extensions.

The PC490 is among four demolition models Komatsu is introducing to the U.S. and the only high-reach model in the lineup.

Watch above as Matt Buerstetta, product marketing manager for demolition excavators, narrates during the quick disconnect and reconnect of the PC490 with its boom extension. With the extension, it reaches 92 feet high. In the video, it also connects to a shear attachment to crush a reinforced-concrete cylinder.

In all, the excavator offers six different working configurations, all of which can be achieved with the quick boom-change system.

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