Photo courtesy of TxDOT
As part of the ongoing Texas Clear Lanes project at I-610 /Cambridge Street, the Texas Department of Transportation will open the north and southbound State Highway 288 connector ramp to I-610 South Loop eastbound beginning on Feb. 19, 2024, according to a press release.
According to the Texas Department of Transportation, the long-term closure of the project at I-610 and Cambridge Street is going to be lifted on Feb. 19.
Williams Brothers Construction Co. Inc. continues to make strides on the TxDOT Interstate 610/Cambridge project in the south-central area of Houston, a $117 million Texas Clear Lanes initiative that is reconstructing mainlanes, frontage roads and adding a freeway overpass with eight direct connect tie-ins at I-610/SH 288.

Photo courtesy of TxDOT
The goal of the project, which began in early 2020, is to create multiple connecting points to major event venues such as NRG Stadium, the Museum District, several universities, and the Medical Center; and reduce congestion and increase capacity.
Crews are currently constructing new SH 288 connector ramps to the I-610 eastbound mainlanes.
The project is one of six Texas Clear Lanes projects in the Houston area. The eight direct connect tie-ins are key as they will complete and link the partially completed connector ramps already built as a part of the SH 288 Express Toll Lane project completed in July 2022.
Ongoing and planned activities include:
- Reconstruction of the I-610 eastbound mainlanes connector ramps (C&H) to SH 288 northbound and southbound;
- Reconstruction of the SH 288 northbound and southbound connector ramps (B&E) to I-610 eastbound mainlanes;
- Construction of proposed entrance ramp from I-610 eastbound frontage road (east of FM 521/Almeda Rd to SH 288;
- Construction of proposed entrance ramp from I-610 Eastbound frontage road from east of FM 521/ Almeda Rd to I-610 eastbound mainlanes;
- Construction of the Cambridge “signalized” intersection that will cross under I-610 South Loop between the I-610 westbound and eastbound frontage road;
- Construction of new overhead sign bridges; new striping and roadway sign placement;
- Reconstruction of proposed I-610 eastbound mainlanes from east of Fannin St to west side of Scott St.;
- Reconstruction of the I-610 eastbound mainlane bridge over Cambridge St., FM 521/Almeda Rd/UPRR.
“We continue to make great progress with the project,” it stated. “Each day, we work with the contractor to take every opportunity to accelerate work, wherever possible, to complete this $117 million project both efficiently and expeditiously.”
The day and night project has crews working from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and/or 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
“Williams Brothers continues reconstructing mainlines, frontage roads, and constructing the Interstate 610 eastbound mainlane bridge over FM 521/Almeda Road, including working on direct connector ramps to and from State Highway 288 as well as I-610,” stated the report. “The I-610 South Loop eastbound mainlanes between Fannin Street and Scott Street continue being reconstructed, with an anticipated completion in late 2024. This included removal the old retaining walls from the east and west sides of the I-610 bridge over FM 521/ Almeda Rd, removal of the old I-610 eastbound main-lane bridge bent caps and columns and currently forming and placing concrete for columns and bent caps for the proposed new bridge over FM 521/Almeda Road which is estimated for completion by the end of October.
“The I-610 South Loop eastbound frontage road from Fannin Street to SH 288 remains under construction with estimated completion in spring 2024, on the west side of FM 521/Almeda Rd which remains under construction from north of Holmes Road to Holly Hall Road. This work on FM 521/Almeda Rd is estimated to be completed by the end of September 2023. Work is also ongoing to place new high mast lighting along the new mainlanes of I-610 South Loop.
“Installation of the proposed retaining walls on the west side of the bridge is almost complete; currently working on the retaining walls on the east side of the bridge over FM 521/Almeda Road. Work continues on the computerized transportation management system and signal systems for the new proposed Cambridge intersection that will cross under I-610 South Loop main-lanes; adding sidewalks along FM 521/Almeda Road and I-610 eastbound frontage road where sections of the roadway have been completed. The contractor began drilling operations in August 2023 for the new proposed elevated ramp from the I-610 eastbound frontage road to I-610 eastbound mainlanes to enable access from the mainlanes to I-610 eastbound.”
The report noted that storm sewer operations were ongoing along FM 521/Almeda Rd. and the I-610 eastbound main-lanes on the west sides of SH 288, as well as intersection reconstruction on the I-610 eastbound frontage road on the east and west sides of FM 521/Almeda Rd including north and southbound FM 521/Almeda Rd from under the I-610 mainlanes to south of I-610.

Photo courtesy of TxDOT
Crews also worked on concrete pavement at Union Pacific Railroad tracks on the I-610 eastbound frontage road and on east Almeda Rd., including removal and replacement of driveways.
“UPRR also has some railroad signal work to be completed on the I-610 eastbound frontage road on the east side of FM 521/Almeda Road.” stated the report. “Once the rail work is complete, the contractor will be able to complete the final section of paving over the railroad tracks, providing three frontage road lanes across the tracks. Finally, Williams Brothers has placed sod along the I-610 eastbound frontage road east of FM 521/Almeda Road where the sections of roadway paving are complete. Sod placement also continues on the east end of the project along the I-610 westbound direct connector ramps to SH 288.”
Many benchmarks were completed in 2022. This includes: SH 288 northbound and southbound connectors (D&G) to I-610 westbound, which included the opening of the new connector to FM 521/Almeda Rd northbound – allowing SH 288 traffic to have direct access; the new I-610 westbound connectors (A&F) to SH 288 northbound and southbound; new entrance ramp to SH 288 from the I-610 South Loop westbound frontage road (west of Scott Street) which was opened to traffic; and the demolition and removal of the I-610 South Loop bridge over FM 521/Almeda Rd and UPRR rail lines.
Since last January, Williams Brothers removed the existing I-610 eastbound mainlane bridge over FM 521/Almeda Rd/UPRR and the old retaining wall west of FM 521/Almeda Rd. It also completed all drilled shafts for the proposed I-610 eastbound mainlane bridge, including the new I-610 eastbound mainlane bridge over Cambridge St (which will be able to cross under I-610); most of the proposed FM 521/Almeda Rd Intersection reconstruction; driveways and one complete lane of the I-610 eastbound frontage road between FM 521/Almeda Rd to SH 288, including partial lanes of I-610 eastbound frontage road approaching FM 521/Almeda Rd.; and 95 percent of storm sewer installation along the FM 521/Almeda Rd Intersection.
Crews also reconstructed new retaining walls west of FM 521/Almeda Rd., the installation of three new High Mast Lights, and graded and placed sod along the I-610 eastbound frontage road between FM 521/Almeda Rd and SH 288 and the I-610 westbound frontage road at the SH 288 exit connector ramps from I-610 westbound mainlanes; and placed concrete rip rap along the I-610 westbound frontage road between SH 288 to FM 521/Almeda Rd.
The project is based on a four-phased approach. Connector G, SH 288 northbound to I-610 westbound, and Connector D, SH 288 southbound I-610 westbound, were completed in February 2022. Connector A, I-610 Westbound to SH 288 northbound, and Connector F, I-610 Westbound to SH 288 southbound, were started in March 2022 and completed in July of that year.
Still ongoing are Connector C, II-610 eastbound to SH 288 southbound, Connector H, I-610 eastbound to SH 288 northbound,. Connector B, SH 288 northbound to I-610 eastbound, and Connector E, SH 288 southbound to I-610 eastbound, are also still ongoing.
Read the full article here