New Hampshire Good Roads Association Elects Board of Directors : CEG

Mon April 08, 2024 – Northeast Edition
New Hampshire Good Roads Association

The New Hampshire Good Roads Association, a state-wide nonprofit association founded in 1904 to represent individuals and businesses involved in the state’s transportation infrastructure, announced the results of the election of officers and directors for 2024/25.

The election was held at the organization’s annual meeting on April 4, 2024, at the Grappone Conference Center, Concord, N.H.

Officers elected were:

  • President — Adam Bates, Weaver Brothers Construction Co., Bow
  • Vice President — Will Hess, Hess Engineering & Construction Consultants, Ashland
  • Treasurer — Brett Merrill, Hews Company, Bow
  • Past President — Jason Riley, Maine Drilling & Blasting, Auburn

Directors elected were:

  • Ron Ciotti, Hinckley Allen, Manchester
  • Marisa DiBiaso, Hoyle Tanner, Portsmouth
  • Patrick L’Heureux, Severino Trucking Company, Candia
  • Mick Mounsey, The Davis Agency, Concord
  • Doug Seyler, B2W Software, Portsmouth
  • Chris Robert, E.D. Swett Inc., Concord
  • Meghan Theriault, town of Gilford, Gilford

The New Hampshire Good Roads Association encourages the development of a safe, efficient and environmentally sound highway transportation system in New Hampshire.

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