Silvi Materials, a leading building material supplier, joins Slag Cement Association, promoting sustainable practices with slag use. SCA applauds Silvi’s eco-friendly methods for concrete production and lowering carbon footprint. Visit for more.

The Slag Cement Association (SCA) announced the addition of Silvi Materials as its newest member company.

Silvi Materials is a premier building material supplier in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, the greater East Coast and the Midwest. It provides ready-mix concrete, aggregate, cement and slag from more than 23 locations.

Silvi Materials is committed to running its operations with methods that are energy efficient, reduce its carbon footprint and build towards a more sustainable future — including its use of supplementary cementitious materials such as ground-granulated blast-furnace slag.

Silvi Materials stores its slag in a 35,000-ton dome at its import facility in Bristol, Pa.

“We are thrilled to have Silvi Materials join the Slag Cement Association,” said Nick Brimley, marketing director of SCA.

Kelly Ican, national cement sales manager of Silvi Materials said, “Silvi’s mission is to maximize the utilization of recycled and recovered building materials, such as slag cement, aligning with SCA’s vision to lower embodied carbon in the concrete industry, we are glad to be a partner.”

The Slag Cement Association is an organization of companies that produce and ship slag cement in the United States; these shipments represent more than 95 percent of all slag cement used in U.S. concrete.

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