The TerraBlade can be automated via cross-slope, dual laser, sonic tracer, single or dual robotic or dual GPS.
Terrawise Solutions is now offering compact track loader attachments — the TerraBlade, TerraTrimmer and the TerraRipper.
The TerraBlade is the world’s first 100 percent wireless grading attachment, meaning no need to dedicate the implement to one specific CTL, the company said. The blade, which is ready for any type of 2D or 3D machine control, can be automated via cross-slope, dual laser, sonic tracer, single or dual robotic or dual GPS. It also has versatile material carry modes, which can be adjusted in real moving time such as six-way dozer blade, box blade, and catch and spill mode.
This 3,000-lb. implement is a game changer for any skid steer, the company said.

The TerraTrimmer is practical for contractors looking to cut grade to a precise elevation in hard sub-base materials, while producing a smooth finish. Use the TerraTrimmer once to grade the soil and again to cut the compacted rock, concrete or asphalt.
The TerraTrimmer features a 16-in. OD trimmer rotor that cuts an 8-ft.-wide path. It requires a high flow skid steer and a separate case drain line for best performance.
The TerraRipper allows contractors to break hard-packed ground and rip up turf and roots in just a few passes. The TerraRipper is rear-mounted and has a heavy-duty deck that consists of 12 carbide-tipped steel ripper teeth. Each tooth can be adjusted or replaced for effective scarification.
In today’s market, contractors need reliable and cost-effective solutions. With compact track loaders on almost every job site, the Terra products, which are all heavy duty and American made, are practical for different applications, according to the company.
Terrawise Solutions backs every attachment with a comprehensive warranty, customer support and hands on training. It stands on its brand promise — “Building Superior Solutions Together.”
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