Caterpillar is bringing the updated CB10 asphalt compactor to World of Asphalt/AGG1 2024. These updates include split drum options as well as improvements to the cab, edge management, and touchscreen mapping display. Features that make operation simpler and add versatility, along with good fuel economy, include rotary dials, oscillatory vibration, and 360-degree seating. It is ideal for streets, highways, and other intermediate-type applications.

A rubber-track paver, the AP1055, features the Mobil-trac undercarriage which improves speed, traction, and flotation for improved ROI. Easy-to-use technology options include Pave Start Assistant, which saves profiles for faster and repeatable set-up on job sites. Users can keep track of material height and delivery temperatures through an optional hopper level sensor with temperature indication. The paver can be used with SE60 V and SE60 V XW screeds.

Cat SDX screed plates can also be used, providing a kneading action that helps reduce air voids as the mix passes under the screed. A modular fastening system enables quick screed plate changes

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